8 minutes read
Evidence Based
An image of the Author and Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette
Nicolette Star Maggiolo, RD, LDN

10 Tips About Eating the Best Foods for Pregnancy Nausea and Morning Sickness Relief

8 minutes read
Evidence Based
An image of the Author and Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette
Nicolette Star Maggiolo, RD, LDN

10 Tips About Eating the Best Foods for Pregnancy Nausea and Morning Sickness Relief

An image of the Author and Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette
Nicolette Star Maggiolo, RD, LDN

10 Tips About Eating the Best Foods for Pregnancy Nausea and Morning Sickness Relief

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You’re excited about bringing new life into this world. Yet, your pregnancy nausea and morning sickness are enough to dull your happiness. 

Smells, tastes, and movements can exacerbate pregnancy nausea and morning sickness. At this point, it might feel like every day is a battle. You’d do anything to lessen symptoms while maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The good news is that there are a lot of foods and drinks that can help with morning sickness and pregnancy sickness. 

We’ll highlight these nausea and morning sickness remedies below:

Why It’s Important to Remedy Your Morning Sickness and Pregnancy-Related Nausea

Studies show nausea is a common symptom for around 80% of pregnant women. Moreover, symptoms ramp up to vomiting for about 50% of the pregnant population. 

Pregnancy is enough of a challenge without throwing morning sickness into the equation. Soothing the related symptoms can offer an extra boost when facing this ongoing, 9-month marathon.

By following the tips below, we can’t guarantee you’ll conquer your morning sickness. However, we can say that these suggestions have worked for many women with struggles like yours. Most of the time, you have to try different things and be patient to figure out what helps your morning sickness the most. 

10 Suggestions to Help Relieve Pregnancy-Related Nausea and Morning Sickness

Whether it's called "morning sickness" or "nausea of pregnancy," the following tips could help pregnant women deal with these problems:

1. Bland Foods Are Ideal

Fending off morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy starts with a straightforward tactic—sticking to bland floods, many of which you’ll find in the BRAT diet. Easy-to-stomach options like applesauce, toast, bananas, and white rice are recommended.  

The BRAT diet is believed to reduce nausea and stomach illness symptoms and these blander foods might also promote morning sickness recovery but following the BRAT diet for too long can lead to malnutrition

The Bottom Line: Eating foods from the BRAT diet may help with morning sickness symptoms, but it is a temporary solution, not a long-term plan. 

2. Cold Foods and Beverages Are Go-to Morning Sickness Remedies

Morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy are far likelier to be triggered by hot foods and drinks. Conversely, cold foods aren’t as fragrant, likely making them more palatable for pregnant women.  

Cold beverages (e.g., cold almond milk and smoothies) can serve as morning sickness remedies because they’re easier to consume but cold food might slow down digestion, which is already a potential problem during pregnancy

The Bottom Line: Cold eats (like chilled fruits) and drinks will help with nausea during pregnancy and morning sickness. Ensure that you’re taking additional measures to maintain a healthy digestive tract. 

3. Protein Can Offer Much-Needed Relief

High-protein snacks and other sources rich in protein can fend off nausea during pregnancy. Additionally, peanut butter, chicken, and beans increase gastrin in your system, improving digestion. Lean beef, Greek yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, and hard cheeses can help with morning sickness. Also, pregnant women require 60g of protein daily–meaning it serves a dual purpose. However, it could be hard to eat these foods, depending on the intensity of your symptoms

The Bottom Line: Protein-rich foods can help pregnant women feel better and meet their daily nutritional needs at the same time. 

4. Ginger Can Settle Your Stomach In Times Of Need

Ginger is an oft-reliable morning sickness remedy that may relieve nausea during pregnancy. It’s available in many forms, including in capsules, syrups, and lozenges. Some examples include:

  • Ginger ale
  • Ginger snaps or ginger biscuits
  • Ginger tea
  • Ginger candies

You should check labels to ensure the products in question contain real ginger. You can also add fresh ginger to stir-fries and broths. However, some experts believe that too much ginger can heighten miscarriage risks

The Bottom Line: Ginger might be a valuable tool in combating morning sickness, but it should be consumed in moderation. 

5. Drink Fluids Like Herbal Teas

We’re all told to drink fluids when we’re not feeling well. But herbal teas can specifically help remedy pregnancy-induced nausea. 

Doctors and nutritionists have long discussed how these teas are rich in magnesium, iron, and calcium–all helpful nutrients during pregnancy. However, there aren’t many studies on most herbs.

The Bottom Line: Herbal tea (with ingredients like lemon and ginger) might help combat nausea during pregnancy. Discuss which teas are safe with your doctor. 

6. Carbonated Beverages Might Help

Not only is carbonation safe during pregnancy, but carbonated drinks might also help with morning sickness and nausea. The bubbles might contribute to stomach acidity reduction, thus soothing nausea symptoms.

Mineral water is ideal, but sugary beverages can also help. Just be sure to drink sugar-based drinks in moderation, as such beverages can cause bloating and other forms of discomfort.

The Bottom Line: Drinking carbonated beverages half an hour before or after a meal can help with pregnancy-related nausea. Enjoy sugary drinks in moderation.

7. Fend Off Nausea And Morning Sickness With Citrus Fruits

Research suggests that many pregnant women find lemon-scented aromatherapy can offset morning sickness and general nausea. Citrus fruits like lemon are safe during pregnancy (in moderation), so there’s no risk in adding them to your grocery list (unless you have an allergy). 

Other anti-nausea strategies with citrus fruits include sucking on lemon drops, squeezing citrus into your water, and adding lemon/orange zest to yogurt or ice cream. Besides helping with morning sickness and nausea, citrus, in moderation, may aid in optimal fetal development but there’s a chance that citrus worsens heartburn symptoms

The Bottom Line: As aromatherapy and a nutritional item, citrus can help with nausea symptoms during pregnancy. You should be cautious with citrus if you are also experiencing heartburn.

8. Soothe Morning Sickness Symptoms With Water-Rich Fruits And Veggies 

Sometimes, fluids can exacerbate pregnancy-related nausea (specifically during meals). In this case, exchange liquids for fruits and vegetables with lots of fluids (e.g., celery, peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon, and strawberries). Fruits and vegetables that are high in water can help with nausea, reduce swelling, ease heartburn, and stop muscle cramps. Watermelon, specifically, has vitamins B6, C, and A, magnesium, and potassium to help your baby’s immune system, nervous system, vision, and brain development. However, you might not be able to hold down these solids, depending on the severity of these symptoms.

The Bottom Line: As long as your stomach is up to the challenge, the health benefits of water-filled fruits and veggies are plentiful during and after pregnancy. 

9. Supplement Your Folic Acid

Folic acid is vital to your baby’s development before and during pregnancy. However, your nausea might make it challenging to reach your daily requirements. So it’s wise to supplement or take prenatal vitamins with this essential nutrient. Getting this key nutrient before and during pregnancy may prevent congenital heart defects in infants. Supplementing with folate or receiving it through prenatal vitamins may prevent a cleft palate or lip in your infant. However, high levels of folic acid can hide symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. 

The Bottom Line: Folate is essential to healthy fetal development, and supplementation can help overcome stomach-illness-based boundaries that prevent you from consuming it. However, you should stick to the recommended amount to prevent side effects.

10. Peppermint Might Ease Your Pregnancy-Related Nausea

Peppermint is a common, centuries-old cure for morning sickness. In moderation, it’s safe for you and your baby.

Peppermint is often eaten or drunk by drinking peppermint tea, chopping mint into food, or eating hard peppermint candies. It’s so versatile—you can even enjoy it in a non-alcoholic mojito. However, avoid ingesting peppermint essential oils because they can exacerbate heartburn during pregnancy.

The Bottom Line: Peppermint has a long history of successfully offsetting nausea when pregnant–just avoid peppermint essential oils.

How Can Top Nutrition Coaching Help With Nausea During Pregnancy?

Your pregnancy is a beautiful time and a major turning point in your life, but it can also be very scary. 

Whether your nausea is mild or you throw up every morning, your daily life may be much harder than it was before you got pregnant.  Thus, you need your strength and to feel your best if you’re going to have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

With all of these symptoms, it will be hard to get to a doctor on the other side of town when you are pregnant.

Top Nutrition Coaching has a convenient solution to remedy your pregnancy-related nausea. Our Prenatal and Postpartum Registered Dieticians have been carefully checked out and are qualified to help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible. Plus, you receive our services online—there are no taxing trips to the doctor’s office. 

Matching with a Registered Dietician who suits your needs is a matter of filling out our quiz from the comfort of your home. We’re here to help you achieve the best health outcomes during your pregnancy, coaching you toward a nourishing, fulfilling 9 months before your newborn enters the world. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions we’re often asked about how to reduce nausea while pregnant:

What foods aggravate nausea while you’re pregnant?

Fried, fatty, and spicy foods generally trigger nausea or cause more severe nausea when pregnant. Hot foods also trigger nausea throughout pregnancy. 

What are natural ways to moderate nausea while pregnant?

Each day, eat multiple small meals, avoid greasy/spicy foods, eat complex carbs, and sip clear, carbonated, and cold liquids between meals. It could also help to keep crackers by your bed.

When is morning sickness at its worst during pregnancy?

Morning sickness tends to peak between 6 and 9 months of pregnancy.

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You’re excited about bringing new life into this world. Yet, your pregnancy nausea and morning sickness are enough to dull your happiness. 

Smells, tastes, and movements can exacerbate pregnancy nausea and morning sickness. At this point, it might feel like every day is a battle. You’d do anything to lessen symptoms while maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The good news is that there are a lot of foods and drinks that can help with morning sickness and pregnancy sickness. 

We’ll highlight these nausea and morning sickness remedies below:

Why It’s Important to Remedy Your Morning Sickness and Pregnancy-Related Nausea

Studies show nausea is a common symptom for around 80% of pregnant women. Moreover, symptoms ramp up to vomiting for about 50% of the pregnant population. 

Pregnancy is enough of a challenge without throwing morning sickness into the equation. Soothing the related symptoms can offer an extra boost when facing this ongoing, 9-month marathon.

By following the tips below, we can’t guarantee you’ll conquer your morning sickness. However, we can say that these suggestions have worked for many women with struggles like yours. Most of the time, you have to try different things and be patient to figure out what helps your morning sickness the most. 

10 Suggestions to Help Relieve Pregnancy-Related Nausea and Morning Sickness

Whether it's called "morning sickness" or "nausea of pregnancy," the following tips could help pregnant women deal with these problems:

1. Bland Foods Are Ideal

Fending off morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy starts with a straightforward tactic—sticking to bland floods, many of which you’ll find in the BRAT diet. Easy-to-stomach options like applesauce, toast, bananas, and white rice are recommended.  

The BRAT diet is believed to reduce nausea and stomach illness symptoms and these blander foods might also promote morning sickness recovery but following the BRAT diet for too long can lead to malnutrition

The Bottom Line: Eating foods from the BRAT diet may help with morning sickness symptoms, but it is a temporary solution, not a long-term plan. 

2. Cold Foods and Beverages Are Go-to Morning Sickness Remedies

Morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy are far likelier to be triggered by hot foods and drinks. Conversely, cold foods aren’t as fragrant, likely making them more palatable for pregnant women.  

Cold beverages (e.g., cold almond milk and smoothies) can serve as morning sickness remedies because they’re easier to consume but cold food might slow down digestion, which is already a potential problem during pregnancy

The Bottom Line: Cold eats (like chilled fruits) and drinks will help with nausea during pregnancy and morning sickness. Ensure that you’re taking additional measures to maintain a healthy digestive tract. 

3. Protein Can Offer Much-Needed Relief

High-protein snacks and other sources rich in protein can fend off nausea during pregnancy. Additionally, peanut butter, chicken, and beans increase gastrin in your system, improving digestion. Lean beef, Greek yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, and hard cheeses can help with morning sickness. Also, pregnant women require 60g of protein daily–meaning it serves a dual purpose. However, it could be hard to eat these foods, depending on the intensity of your symptoms

The Bottom Line: Protein-rich foods can help pregnant women feel better and meet their daily nutritional needs at the same time. 

4. Ginger Can Settle Your Stomach In Times Of Need

Ginger is an oft-reliable morning sickness remedy that may relieve nausea during pregnancy. It’s available in many forms, including in capsules, syrups, and lozenges. Some examples include:

  • Ginger ale
  • Ginger snaps or ginger biscuits
  • Ginger tea
  • Ginger candies

You should check labels to ensure the products in question contain real ginger. You can also add fresh ginger to stir-fries and broths. However, some experts believe that too much ginger can heighten miscarriage risks

The Bottom Line: Ginger might be a valuable tool in combating morning sickness, but it should be consumed in moderation. 

5. Drink Fluids Like Herbal Teas

We’re all told to drink fluids when we’re not feeling well. But herbal teas can specifically help remedy pregnancy-induced nausea. 

Doctors and nutritionists have long discussed how these teas are rich in magnesium, iron, and calcium–all helpful nutrients during pregnancy. However, there aren’t many studies on most herbs.

The Bottom Line: Herbal tea (with ingredients like lemon and ginger) might help combat nausea during pregnancy. Discuss which teas are safe with your doctor. 

6. Carbonated Beverages Might Help

Not only is carbonation safe during pregnancy, but carbonated drinks might also help with morning sickness and nausea. The bubbles might contribute to stomach acidity reduction, thus soothing nausea symptoms.

Mineral water is ideal, but sugary beverages can also help. Just be sure to drink sugar-based drinks in moderation, as such beverages can cause bloating and other forms of discomfort.

The Bottom Line: Drinking carbonated beverages half an hour before or after a meal can help with pregnancy-related nausea. Enjoy sugary drinks in moderation.

7. Fend Off Nausea And Morning Sickness With Citrus Fruits

Research suggests that many pregnant women find lemon-scented aromatherapy can offset morning sickness and general nausea. Citrus fruits like lemon are safe during pregnancy (in moderation), so there’s no risk in adding them to your grocery list (unless you have an allergy). 

Other anti-nausea strategies with citrus fruits include sucking on lemon drops, squeezing citrus into your water, and adding lemon/orange zest to yogurt or ice cream. Besides helping with morning sickness and nausea, citrus, in moderation, may aid in optimal fetal development but there’s a chance that citrus worsens heartburn symptoms

The Bottom Line: As aromatherapy and a nutritional item, citrus can help with nausea symptoms during pregnancy. You should be cautious with citrus if you are also experiencing heartburn.

8. Soothe Morning Sickness Symptoms With Water-Rich Fruits And Veggies 

Sometimes, fluids can exacerbate pregnancy-related nausea (specifically during meals). In this case, exchange liquids for fruits and vegetables with lots of fluids (e.g., celery, peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon, and strawberries). Fruits and vegetables that are high in water can help with nausea, reduce swelling, ease heartburn, and stop muscle cramps. Watermelon, specifically, has vitamins B6, C, and A, magnesium, and potassium to help your baby’s immune system, nervous system, vision, and brain development. However, you might not be able to hold down these solids, depending on the severity of these symptoms.

The Bottom Line: As long as your stomach is up to the challenge, the health benefits of water-filled fruits and veggies are plentiful during and after pregnancy. 

9. Supplement Your Folic Acid

Folic acid is vital to your baby’s development before and during pregnancy. However, your nausea might make it challenging to reach your daily requirements. So it’s wise to supplement or take prenatal vitamins with this essential nutrient. Getting this key nutrient before and during pregnancy may prevent congenital heart defects in infants. Supplementing with folate or receiving it through prenatal vitamins may prevent a cleft palate or lip in your infant. However, high levels of folic acid can hide symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. 

The Bottom Line: Folate is essential to healthy fetal development, and supplementation can help overcome stomach-illness-based boundaries that prevent you from consuming it. However, you should stick to the recommended amount to prevent side effects.

10. Peppermint Might Ease Your Pregnancy-Related Nausea

Peppermint is a common, centuries-old cure for morning sickness. In moderation, it’s safe for you and your baby.

Peppermint is often eaten or drunk by drinking peppermint tea, chopping mint into food, or eating hard peppermint candies. It’s so versatile—you can even enjoy it in a non-alcoholic mojito. However, avoid ingesting peppermint essential oils because they can exacerbate heartburn during pregnancy.

The Bottom Line: Peppermint has a long history of successfully offsetting nausea when pregnant–just avoid peppermint essential oils.

How Can Top Nutrition Coaching Help With Nausea During Pregnancy?

Your pregnancy is a beautiful time and a major turning point in your life, but it can also be very scary. 

Whether your nausea is mild or you throw up every morning, your daily life may be much harder than it was before you got pregnant.  Thus, you need your strength and to feel your best if you’re going to have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

With all of these symptoms, it will be hard to get to a doctor on the other side of town when you are pregnant.

Top Nutrition Coaching has a convenient solution to remedy your pregnancy-related nausea. Our Prenatal and Postpartum Registered Dieticians have been carefully checked out and are qualified to help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible. Plus, you receive our services online—there are no taxing trips to the doctor’s office. 

Matching with a Registered Dietician who suits your needs is a matter of filling out our quiz from the comfort of your home. We’re here to help you achieve the best health outcomes during your pregnancy, coaching you toward a nourishing, fulfilling 9 months before your newborn enters the world. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions we’re often asked about how to reduce nausea while pregnant:

What foods aggravate nausea while you’re pregnant?

Fried, fatty, and spicy foods generally trigger nausea or cause more severe nausea when pregnant. Hot foods also trigger nausea throughout pregnancy. 

What are natural ways to moderate nausea while pregnant?

Each day, eat multiple small meals, avoid greasy/spicy foods, eat complex carbs, and sip clear, carbonated, and cold liquids between meals. It could also help to keep crackers by your bed.

When is morning sickness at its worst during pregnancy?

Morning sickness tends to peak between 6 and 9 months of pregnancy.

Written by
An image of the Author and Top Nutrition Coaching nutritionist, Nicolette
Nicolette Star Maggiolo, RD, LDN
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Top Nutrition Coaching’s Annual Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship

Scholarship award: $1000
The Top Nutrition Coaching First-Gen Futures Scholarship is a quarterly recurring scholarship open to all first-generation students whose parents did not receive a four-year bachelor’s degree. The next deadline to apply is October  1, and winners will be announced on October 31.
Learn More
A family outdoors: a boy, a smiling woman, a man in military attire with a toddler, and a grinning young man.

About the first-gen futures scholarship

Scholarship award available for both college and high school students
Being the first in your family to attend college is an inspiring feat, often with its own unique challenges. First-generation students may not have the same guidance in navigating parts of the higher education system as other students, such as the application process, obtaining financial aid, and even what to expect in college itself.

Financial constraints can also be a significant roadblock for such students, which may limit their choices, force them to balance jobs, family responsibilities, and school work all at once, and make the college experience much more stressful.

Despite these struggles, first-generation college students have proven time and again to be extremely resilient, determined, and hard-working. They embody a spirit of ambition and perseverance as they work toward creating the future they want for themselves and their families.

The First-Gen Futures Scholarship aims to recognize and support exceptional students who are overcoming the barriers of being the first in their families to attend college. By providing financial assistance to deserving individuals, we seek to alleviate some financial stress so that these students can focus more on their studies.

Previous Top Nutrition Coaching scholarship winners

The image features a profile icon of a young Caucasian woman with long blonde hair, styled in loose waves. She is wearing makeup with prominent lipstick and is smiling. She has a badge overlay indicating that she is a scholarship recipient, marked by a medal symbol to denote achievement or honor.
Mayci H.
October 12, 2022
The image depicts a profile icon of a Caucasian woman with shoulder-length blonde hair. She has a friendly smile and is wearing what appears to be a white top. She also has a badge overlay indicating that she is a scholarship recipient, which includes a medal icon to symbolize her achievement.
Jordan C.
December 20, 2022
The image shows a profile icon of a young Caucasian woman with long blonde hair, smiling. She has a badge overlay, suggesting she is a student who has received a scholarship. The badge includes a medal symbol to signify achievement or honor.
Bethanie S.
December 27, 2022
Romeo G.
February 8, 2023
The image displays a profile icon of a young Caucasian man with curly brown hair, dressed in a dark suit and tie. He is smiling and standing outdoors, with greenery in the background. He also features a badge overlay indicating that he is a scholarship recipient, complete with a medal symbol to highlight his achievement.
Ian C.
December 28, 2022
The image features a profile icon of a young Black man wearing a suit and tie, with an afro hairstyle. He has a badge icon overlay, indicating that he is a student who has won a scholarship. The badge includes a medal symbol, typically used to represent achievement or honor.
Kristopher W.
December 14, 2022
Scholarship details:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
Amount: $1,000
Winner Announcement Date: October 31
Recurring: Quarterly
Read FAQ
Scholarships Awarded
Total Awards
Eligibility requirements:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
To qualify for this scholarship, please review the following eligibility criteria carefully. Ensure you meet these requirements prior to submitting your application.
A first-generation college student (meaning neither of their parents has obtained a four-year college degree)
A high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident
How to Apply:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
You can apply for this scholarship on the Bold.org scholarship platform. Follow the directions and submit your application for the First-Gen Futures Scholarship, along with a short essay answering the following prompts:
Why have you chosen to pursue higher education?
How have you prepared yourself for college as a first-generation student?
Scholarship frequently asked questions:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
When is the scholarship deadline?
The application will be open through October 1.
What is the scholarship prize? 
The scholarship award is $1,000.
When will the winner be chosen and notified?
Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. Recipients will be chosen based on the merit of their application. 
How will the scholarship be paid?
The prize check will be sent to the scholarship winner’s college institution in their name and in the name of their institution (depending on the school’s requirements).
Is this a recurring scholarship?
Yes, the First-Gen Futures Scholarship is a quarterly scholarship.
How will my scholarship application be verified?
A high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
How can I get in touch with questions?
If you have any questions about this scholarship, please email hello@topnutritioncoaching.com, and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
How will my application information be used?
Top Nutrition Coaching manages this scholarship with the support of the Bold.org scholarship platform. Bold.org takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on Bold.org for full details.

Top Nutrition Coaching’s Annual Heroes’ Legacy Scholarship

Scholarship award: $1000
The Top Nutrition Coaching Annual Hero's Legacy Scholarship is open to any high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who is a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident and the child of at least one parent who has served in the U.S. military. The next deadline to apply is September 1st 2024, and winners will be announced on October 1st 2024.
Learn More
A family outdoors: a boy, a smiling woman, a man in military attire with a toddler, and a grinning young man.

About the Annual Hero's Legacy Scholarship

Scholarship award available for both college and high school students
Military families embody resilience, strength, and unwavering support for their loved ones in uniform. There are many overlooked sacrifices they make that should be recognized and rewarded. Military families endure extended deployments, adjust to new environments, and face uncertainty on a frequent basis.

The children of military families often adapt to new schools and environments, embodying the values of adaptability and perseverance, and experience the emotional toll of their loved one being deployed in dangerous situations.

The Heroes' Legacy Scholarship is a tribute to the extraordinary dedication and sacrifice of military families who stand alongside their loved ones in service to our country. Unfortunately, there are many struggles that military families endure while a parent or guardian serves in the armed forces.

In recognition of the burden higher education can place on military families, this scholarship seeks to give back to these dedicated families to honor their sacrifices.

Any high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who is a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident and the child of at least one parent who has served in the U.S. military may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, tell us about your experience as the child of a military parent.

Previous Top Nutrition Coaching scholarship winners

The image features a profile icon of a young Caucasian woman with long blonde hair, styled in loose waves. She is wearing makeup with prominent lipstick and is smiling. She has a badge overlay indicating that she is a scholarship recipient, marked by a medal symbol to denote achievement or honor.
Mayci H.
October 12, 2022
The image depicts a profile icon of a Caucasian woman with shoulder-length blonde hair. She has a friendly smile and is wearing what appears to be a white top. She also has a badge overlay indicating that she is a scholarship recipient, which includes a medal icon to symbolize her achievement.
Jordan C.
December 20, 2022
The image shows a profile icon of a young Caucasian woman with long blonde hair, smiling. She has a badge overlay, suggesting she is a student who has received a scholarship. The badge includes a medal symbol to signify achievement or honor.
Bethanie S.
December 27, 2022
Romeo G.
February 8, 2023
The image displays a profile icon of a young Caucasian man with curly brown hair, dressed in a dark suit and tie. He is smiling and standing outdoors, with greenery in the background. He also features a badge overlay indicating that he is a scholarship recipient, complete with a medal symbol to highlight his achievement.
Ian C.
December 28, 2022
The image features a profile icon of a young Black man wearing a suit and tie, with an afro hairstyle. He has a badge icon overlay, indicating that he is a student who has won a scholarship. The badge includes a medal symbol, typically used to represent achievement or honor.
Kristopher W.
December 14, 2022
Scholarship details:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
Amount: $1,000
Winner Announcement Date: October  1st 2024
Recurring: Quarterly
Read FAQ
Scholarships Awarded
Total Awards
Eligibility requirements:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
To qualify for this scholarship, please review the following eligibility criteria carefully. Ensure you meet these requirements prior to submitting your application.
Family Background: At least one parent has served in the U.S. military
A high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student
Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident
How to Apply:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
You can apply for this scholarship on the Bold.org scholarship platform. Follow the directions and submit your application for Annual Hero's Legacy Scholarship, along with a short essay answering the following prompts:
Why have you chosen to pursue higher education?
How have you prepared yourself for college as a first-generation student?
Scholarship frequently asked questions:
A white icon of a plus sign within a circle, used as a button to expand content.
When is the scholarship deadline?
The application deadline is Sep 1, 2024. Winners will be announced on Sep 30, 2024.
What is the scholarship prize? 
The scholarship award is $1,000.
When will the winner be chosen and notified?
Your privacy is a top priority on the Bold.org platform, and you can find our privacy policy in full here. You may opt out of communications from Bold.org at any time, and unless we’ve first notified you and gotten your consent, you’ll never receive communication from any third parties related to personal information you give us.
How will the scholarship be paid?
Award checks will be sent to the financial aid office of the winner's academic institution or future academic institution in their name to be applied to their tuition, and in the name of their institution (depending on the school's requirements). If the award is for a qualified educational non-tuition expense, we will work with the winner directly to distribute the award and make sure it goes towards qualified expenses.
Is this a recurring scholarship?
Yes, the Hero's Legacy Scholarship is a  Annual scholarship.
How will my scholarship application be verified?
Before we award the scholarship, the winner will be required to confirm their academic enrollment status. Depending on the circumstances, verification of Student ID and/or their most recent transcript will be required.
How can I get in touch with questions?
If you have any questions about this scholarship, please email hello@topnutritioncoaching.com, and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.
How will my application information be used?
Top Nutrition Coaching manages this scholarship with the support of the Bold.org scholarship platform. Bold.org takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on Bold.org for full details.
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