Registered dietitiansWeight lossSports & athleticsPediatricPregnancyPrenatal & postpartumRenalDiabetesPCOSGI & gut healthCancerExplore All SpecialtiesDana is an Infant and Pediatric Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist with over 19 years of experience specializing in prenatal, newborn, infant, toddler, and preschool nutrition. She helps new and experienced parents, grandparents, and family members to understand the early stages of the life cycle, which is particularly helpful for previously pregnant women. She has a strong focus on newborns and common feeding problems, starting solid foods and picky eating while supplying prenatal supplements. Dana is also an experienced Health Coach with counseling in adolescent and adult weight management, cardiology, diabetes, and overall wellness plans. She is entirely capable of putting together a weight gain plan or a weight loss plan for any woman who deems such a plan necessary.
Danielle is a lifelong athlete who uses nutritional formulas to maximize her health and fitness. She is knowledgeable and helps women manage disease even in the face of several serious health conditions that can influence a woman's hormone balance. As a registered dietitian with a bachelor’s degree from California State University at Northridge and over eight years of experience, Danielle is passionate about helping women become as strong and fit as possible in order to find a nice healthy diet that helps women with healthy eating and mental health.
Jordan is a highly qualified and registered sports nutritionist who is passionate about health. She earned a master’s degree in Clinical Dietetics from Oregon Health & Science University and earned a bachelor’s degree in Dietetics and Consumer Foods from the University of Georgia. Jordan has experience working with athletes, pregnant and postpartum moms, and those with various GI disorders and chronic diseases. In recent years, Jordan has expanded her nutrition services by specializing in weight loss for the long term through the removal of saturated fat, prenatal and postpartum nutrition, GI issues, and disordered eating.
Michelle Rodgers is a Penn State University (Main Campus) graduate who completed her dietetic internship at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center and became an EMT in college. She earned her Personal Training Certification through AFAA in 1997 and has counseled numerous professional athletes, making her a great option as a dietitian for women looking for nutritional support that matches their exercise activities.
Reduced severity & frequency of IBS symptoms
Sustained target weight for longer than 12 months
Improved symptoms of kidney disease
Drastically Improved symptoms of diabetes